I have to organise some things for the shoot in the book store:
- Several hundred plain white business cards with my website address and the "Glasgow Faces" category prominant to give to people who have participated. That way they'll find the images easily enough when I have the chance to process them and upload them.
- Get to the commercial printer tomorrow and have some of my standard (not Faces of the Past or other themed work) images printed up A4 size to hang around the backdrop cloth so the punters can see the quality of portraiture I'll be delivering. (gratis)
- Print out the letters of "Faces of Glasgow" on 14 pieces of paper and stick that up above my backdrop once I'm set up, so people can see from afar that something is going on.
- Print and have ready several hundred model release forms for models to sign, leaving contact info for me so that I can keep them informed of any possible exhibition here in Budapest that may feature their own face.
- Collect the necessary software that I'll need to install on the loaner laptop on Friday evening so that I can begin to process my images while in Glasgow.
- Assemble all my gear and equipment (and backup gear!) and try to figure out the logistics of packing it and getting it on and off two planes to Glasgow.
I'm really looking forward to the social aspect of the Borders photoshoot.....I'm gonna meet hundreds of people from a broad spectrum of society and have the opportunity to shoot most of them.
Shooting in The Barras is going to be (in many ways) even more of a buzz....a much rougher environment and a much rougher section of the people to cajole in front of my camera.
This really will be a great personal experience.....offering something to people, to my people of my city and for free with no cost to them, bringing together a collection of faces that I'll work hard to exhibit as a representation of my Glasgow.
This is going to be one almighty buzz.